09 January 2013

Superb Fairy Wren - male

Finally!  A decent snapshot of 'the blue-boy' in the tibouchinas.

Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. A cute little bird. I have not seen this kind of bird before!

  2. A lovely little bird to see Carole...

  3. A lovely little bird to see Carole...

  4. To radość "złapać" aparatem ślicznego ptaka, na którego się czekało. Pozdrawiam.
    That's the joy of "catch" the camera lovely bird, which they have been waiting for. Yours.

  5. That Superb Wren - is superb!

  6. that's awesome, carole!

  7. Love the blue wrens..one of my long time favourites!

  8. Love the blue wrens..one of my long time favourites!

  9. Love that little Fairy Wren! I like how you framed it in the 1st photo too.

  10. What a pretty boy is he ...... you must have felt really chuffed Carole to have finally captured this little gem of a bird who loves to flit away just as we go to press the shutter. Well done!

  11. He's beautiful! I've never seen one before.

  12. These are great little birds - I saw them in the garden on my (now) wife's parents on the first day I was in Australia. I have had a special fondness for them ever since.

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne

  13. Beautiful shots Carole.

  14. Hi Carole, what a beautiful bird this is great, I've never seen this.
    Greetings Irma

  15. I love seeing photos of these birds! They're beautiful! Great shots!

  16. Nice colors and lovely pictures Carole.

    Greetings, Joop

  17. Great photos Carole, I am never quick enough to snap them when I see them out walking.

  18. Anonymous11:48 pm

    This beauty is aptly named- with those blue colors it looks like a fairy.
    Awesome captures, Carole.

  19. Anonymous12:51 am

    Wundervolle Fotos, macht Lust auf Frühling.
    LG Mathilda ♥

  20. That first capture is wonderful!! I really like the frame you have used with it!!
    I have decided that I will have to learn to get around the stupid Blogger issue, if it is not going to go away...

  21. I think they might be my favourite little bird here but then there are so many wonderful birds --- this one just happens to come around at this time of year, just for a short period looking for insects in the garden.

    JUDY: Blogger - you can either upload your pics online in a gallery and use the url to link to your post, OR, as John http://hwyfly.blogspot.com.au/ had made mention recently on his blog, the HTML option will still allow you to browse your images to upload.

  22. I can't get over the beautiful colors of the birds! And he has such style! Wonderful capture, Carole.

  23. Stunning pic...and the gorgeous frame really makes it POP! Love it!
    See, I do get a card out of you every now and then...thank you!
    Paper Hugs,
    Off to CHA (Craft and Hobby Assn. Trade Show) in Anaheim, California, USA tomorrow...woohoo!
    Will be working in the Cheery Lynn Designs booth again this year!

  24. They are such cute birds. We used to have them years ago but not anymore since the myners moved in.

  25. se qu il est beau !

  26. Anonymous1:37 am

    Oh, how very pretty!

  27. How very beautiful! I would love to see one of these birds.

  28. Carole, What gorgeous photos...not only the little birdie, but also, the vibrant green leaves! It's as if I'm actually THERE seeing this in person! Great photos!!!

  29. what a cute, cute little bird..love his little tail feathers that stick up so straight!!

  30. Anonymous10:30 am

    Oh he is Gorgeous. At first glance from the post above I thought of a chuparosa, but boy was happy to see the mate of that wonderful little fluff ball up top. Sweet captures all of them.
    I will be following your blog for sure. I adore birds and painting them is becoming a passion.
    peace n abundance,

  31. Hi Carole,
    What a beautiful pictures of such a beautiful bird with great colors!
    What we are rich if we can capture Super!
    regards, Annie


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.