09 December 2012

I spy with my little eye something beginning with "B"!

You guessed it, birds!  7.30 a.m. Sunday morning and I really felt like I needed to get out somewhere and pick up some new photos.  The sun was shining and I ended up dismissing the drive, when instead I wandered out the back when hearing the bird-sounds out and about in the bushland beyond. 

Can sight the birds in the distance enough to zoom in with my camera, but always anxious to simply get the shot, rather than use that time to check them out with my binoculars.  Did have my binoculars with me nearby and I'll use them once I've got my photos if there's time for it.

All the old bark has peeled and dropped off the angophoras now revealing a lovely soft ochre-coloured underskin. An annual rejuvenation dealt by mother nature.

Dollar birds will be heading back to the far north, New Guinea in the new year
First time I've seen this one here before; a lovely surprise!  Came to the palm tree in neighbour's backyard, right next the bordering fence.  A Blue-faced Honeyeater.
I've been spotted

 and so it flew on out to the bush corridor at the back
 then the rosella stopped by
thanks for that!  It was so worth holding back my coffee for.
Lucky I did get out early in the day for those snapshots because now, at 1.30 pm, the sky is grey and glarey, and a strong wind blowing.  Temperature has dropped with possible showers/storms forecast as the day progresses.
Sharing with Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. i LOVE the dive bomb! :)

    you have such great birds around you!

  2. Is that rosella trying out for a remake of 'Top Gun'?!?!?! One of the best gifts I ever gave Pilchard was a birdbath - when it's dry (like now) we can sit and watch it for hours!!

  3. The Honeyeater is very cool! I've never seen photos of that one before. I like the bill! That last photo looks like a free fall skydive! Nice!

  4. Nice pictures - I do like the "Parrot Missile" in that last shot!

    Rabbits are not good news - I thought there was some form of karma going on when my MIL's garden was being eaten - and not too distant relative of hers released the little buggers in the first place!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. Lovely shots Carole..... specially that last one.

    Greetings, Joop

  6. The last photo is a winner Carole.
    Have a nice Sunday, Irma

  7. Great shots of the birds. I don't think I've seen the dollar birds around but I have the others. The bird in flight is a good capture.

  8. Cool birds - and I LOVE that last shot....where's the swimming pool? He obviously didn't need a diving board. LOL

  9. Great shots Carole...love the dive bomber - so colorful!
    Paper Hugs,

  10. It's great to be out and about early with our cameras in tow ... you've captured some lovely shots here Carole.

  11. Amazing photos of this beautiful birds. Lovely !

  12. Great shots Carole! I love the parrot in flight!

  13. I wish we had birds like these in Southern California.
    Since we don't I enjoy "visiting" your birds. Thanks for sharing.

  14. So you have birds already turning north in the new year? Time sure does fly! The rosella must be after something VERY tasty!

  15. Carole, I love that last shot, of the rosella dropping into flight!!

  16. Nice post and really fantastic images! New birds for me to wish for.

  17. Oh my gosh, you really have no excuse whatsoever to go anywhere but your own beautiful backyard ;>)!!! I cannot even imagine how thrilled I would be to look up and see something as lovely as that rosella just sitting on the roof.) Beautiful every bird --and the sky in that first photo with the contrasting tree and bird is just amazing!

  18. Someday I will see a Honeyeater! Great shots Carole. The diving Rosella is to die for!

  19. That's a great selection of birds for an early morning's walk, Carole.
    I've really missed visiting your blog. Sorry I've been absent. I haven't been too great healthwise lately, hence the extreme reduction in posting also. It's great to read your great posts again.

  20. That last one is awesome, Carole!


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.