06 December 2012

Floral garden pics

The hydrangeas are in full bloom now; and pics here were taken today.  Growing on the southern side of the house, they pick up the morning sunshine through till about 11 a.m.
Chrysanthemum and November lily have petered out now with the heat and humidity, but these snapshots taken while they were still holding out.

lemon thyme, the bees love it





  1. the hydrangeas are really beautiful. i do love those lilies, too! heck, they're all beautiful.

  2. I love that last one of the Geranium. Beautiful water droplets.

  3. These flower shots are all amazing! Love the hydrangeas! Hope you are having a lovely christmas season.

  4. Anonymous4:33 pm

    wunderschöne Gartenblumen und bei uns ist Winter!

    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. Gorgeous! These are yours? Beautiful photos! I love the water drops!

  6. yes Brian, they're all mine :)!

  7. Great photos of beautiful plants and flowers, I find that with water drops super.
    Have a nice day, Irma

  8. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Was für herrliche Blüten, wenn doch nur schon wieder Sommer wäre *seufz*.

    LG Mathilda ♥

  9. Anonymous1:37 am

    Beautiful Carole. Lemon thyme - my absolute favourite of all of the thymes.
    We had another 6 inches of snow yesterday. It is going to be a very long winter this year.

  10. Simply gorgeous flowers Carole!!! Hummmmm, would make wonderful picture cards!!!!
    Paper Hugs,

  11. Beautiful captures Carole especially that gorgeous blue/pink hydrangea.

  12. I'm ready to trade you seasons now! It's turned dark and dreary here. Not bitter cold yet, but may get snow this weekend. I still have a few green things that tried to sprout again this Fall when it seemed like our "second spring" was coming. No beauties like this have appeared though!

    Love them all but the hydrangea with 2 colors of blooms is so outstanding!

  13. I love all these wonderful flowers and these pictures..... you have made wonderful images.

    Greetings, Joop

  14. My favourite is the geraniums, all new from the showers!!

  15. I'm with Theresa on these... they are all so beautiful!!
    And you have these in your garden? My Mum has an amazing garden & I really miss mine terribly... I even miss the weeding!!


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