24 September 2012

In search of water...nature's bounty

A continuing story, from previous post

Once we realized there was no marsh surrounding Willies, well certainly not within walking distance, it was going to be a long afternoon to just stay put, and wait it out till our exit the next morning.  After unpacking our few things, a change of clothes for the next day, and food/drinks,  then it was time for afternoon-tea under the trees beside the van.

It was decided then, to head on back out (through the three gates open/shut them), for a sneak-preview of some wetlands we'd passed about 17 klms up the road. 

Sun was on the wrong side though for good photographic moments, but you get the picture here.  The purple flowers in the foreground are toxic weed, Patersons Curse, or Salvation Jane.

Unidentified ducks, too far in the distance

Mallee Ringneck

Had to be careful where you put your feet, not only for the boggy conditions but also that there had been cattle wandering through there and had sunk holes a good six-inches or more deep.

Black-fronted Dotterel (I think)

Swallows mud-nests; quaint chambers aren't they? 

And there's more ... next post.


  1. oh, those trees on the glassy water!!! love 'em!

  2. Wow, a great place to see the birds. Love the Ducks, Ringneck and the pretty Dotterel. The trees are cool looking, love their shapes. Great post!

  3. Beautiful. These wetlands in a long stretch of desert are wonderful to sustain the wildlife and birdlife.

  4. Love the reflections of the trees in the first photo! Those mud-nests are interesting.

  5. Anonymous3:31 pm

    die Wasserspiegelung sehen wunderschön aus und die Vögelbilder so schön ... eine andere Welt wie meine die mir immer wieder ziegst hier!

    Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. What a beautiful place you have taken us again Carole.
    I like every step you made there.

  7. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Zauberhaft und wunderschön!!

    LG Mathilda ♥

  8. Just love the reflections in that first photo Carole, and later ones with clouds are great too. Been out of the loop for a while but lovely to join in your travels again. Bye for now Jane

  9. so many great creatures. the clouds are just amazing!! wow!! (:

  10. Beautiful pictures ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  11. Beautiful pictures made ​​you Carole, I think the swallow nests really special, that you will find here not.
    Greetings Irma

  12. That Mallee Ringneck is beautiful!!!! TFS the lovely scenery Carole.
    Paper Hugs,

  13. Pity about the light! Some of those trees and reflections could be stunning!! But you are like me, and don't have the time to wait for the light to be perfect...

  14. Those reflections on the glassy water are beautiful, Carole! Lovely series.


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