25 April 2012

Fort Scratchley, Newcastle

Yesterday I was cutting aromatic rosemary, to deliver to a local club where dawn services will be held this quite cool morning, to commemorate Anzac Day.  In my front garden, the flag will be up shortly, though this photo is one from my archives.  Protocol is for the flag to be raised only halfway through till midday, when it can then be raised to the masthead.

My tribute to Anzac Day last year is here, and I hope you'll read it, because that post tells not only the significance of Anzac Day (and the rosemary too), but also shares a little surprise.

Fort Scratchley, Newcastle, opened in 1882, after fears of Russian attacks.


Following information taken from signage at the Fort:

Walls and ceilings were made with concrete up to a metre thick.  Earth heaped against the external walls provided extra protection.  Vaulted ceilings and arched openings strengthened the fortress structure.

This fort was designed as an enclosed fortification so that it could be defended from all sides.

Large guns were aimed through small firing windows by manoeuvring them on curved floor rails.

Cool air flowing through corridors and hidden vents, leaves the tunnels dry and free of mould

Wall cavities were moulded into the concrete as mounts for candles or lanterns.  In dangerous areas the naked flame was shielded behind glass.  (Air vents allowed the flames to breathe.  Bronze mesh protected the glass from breaking).

 A very comprehensive site, for history and photographs Fort Scratchley Historical Society.


  1. I remember that post!!!! Was a treat to go back and re-read it...what a treasured surprise for you! I'll try to remember rosemary in this context Carole - thank you for sharing!
    Paper Hugs,

  2. How cool and what a great fort! I love the guns and heavy artillery!


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