20 January 2012

Norah Head - Part Three

Two former quarters of the Lighthouse Keepers at Norah Head, are nowadays available for holiday rental.  See interior photos, and full details here.

From Free Settler or Felon? Norah Head Jen Willetts states: "the hazardous waters continued to take ships and lives and in the early 1900's it was decided to build a lighthouse at Norah Head.  It was completed in 1903 and is in the Barnet style complete with a bluestone balcony and large black and white floor tiles..."

This 27m high lighthouse, with 96 steps stands proud doesn't it?  If you're interested in the building information related to this tower, it's well documented on this site,  Norah Head Lighthouse

Nearer to the ocean pool there is this relic. 

According to Jen Willetts there has been a jetty with wharf for boats picking up local cedar-timbers way back in the 1830's.  It had been replaced especially to transport building materials for the lighthouse. I guess this is a winch then?

And just to make my day complete, this sweet sea-gull was waiting for me near the ocean-pool before leaving.


  1. The Sea-Gull and the lighthouse provide super pictures. Also looks like a nice area to go for a walk.


  2. What a charming place....I can just imagine how peaceful it would be to stay there. The lighthouse is awsome...so very well maintained!

  3. beautiful light house! nice to see it so well-maintained!

  4. Your pictures and narrative of Norah Head is wonderful. Being a lighthouse lover, of course I like those the best. It would be fun to stay in the keepers house.
    I haven't been feeling the best the last few days so I haven't been commenting much.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. the hubby & i love lighthouses. so pretty. thanks for sharing. great fences as well. picket & the one around the lighthouse. i bet that has seen many days of harsh weather. maybe one day we will get to see this one. (:

  6. Lovely!! what a beautiful lighthouse!


  8. It would be fun to stay in the house attached to a lighthouse! I am so impressed with the tidy paint job! The inch certainly will not be there too much longer!

  9. Your friend the sea gull looks like he might we interested in a hand out - LOL! Great lighthouse pictures!

  10. love white picket fences...love the light house..love the gull...love love love the rust..

  11. Fantastic photos of the light house! They could be post cards!!! And I love the sea-gull, with the crystal clear water in the background! Thanks for sharing!

  12. That lighthouse is just amazing. Great shots.

  13. Anonymous3:06 pm

    These are amazing pictures! I love that lighthouse~maybe because I live so far from them. That's a lovely white picket fence.

  14. Such a lovely lighthouse and so beautifully kept up! Would be awesome to stay in the cottage during a full moon. Wow, what lighting that would be!

  15. What a gorgeous lighthouse! And the gull is exceptionally pretty! Wonderful shots, Carole!

  16. A beautifully maintained light-house .... Wonderful place for a holiday!

  17. I love all these photos! Each one has its own special charm - I love lighthouses, the sea, fences, birds - you have captured me completely today. Thanks!

  18. Hello, Carole Meisenhelter.

      Even more severe in winter, but.
      Your work is embraced in your gentleness.

      Thank you for the warmth of your heart.

      The prayer for all peace.   
    Have a good weekend. From Japan ruma ❃

  19. you really captured the handsome gull, great detail
    the lighthouse is beautiful

  20. What a beautiful lighthouse!
    Great shots and a great post, Carole. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Like most people, I LOVE photos of lighthouses! And now I know picket fences exist in Australia!

  22. That lighthouse is beautiful...and I like the fence you chose to show.

  23. Have you been lucky enough to vacation here Carole--or is this place close enough for a day visit? What an interesting tour you've provided, especially for we landlubbers. And your photos are so clean, crisp and in-focus. I could take lessons.

  24. Awesome shots. My wish is to take all Michigan's light house. I don't know when this will happen ^_^ Thanks for sharing the photos and happy weekend!

    Friday Fences

  25. How beautiful....all that white! That picket fence is one that definitely requires maintenance, and someone is doing a beautiful job of it! The gull....almost looks like a statue! Wonderful images, Carole!

  26. Wow you are so lucky to live so close to all this wonderful and beautiful scenery. What great photos. It was just a pleasure viewing them.

  27. I love a well kept white picket fence. Lovely shots!

  28. Those pictures of the lighthouse are just gorgeous!

  29. such an interesting post....a little bout of everything. I especially like the pictures of the winch...It is the type thing I lo e to photograph. The lighthouse is so romantic in my mind, and the little water fowl with their beautiful legs and feet and beak are so dear. The fencing is a real dream. Looks to be real and not that fake plastic. genie

  30. They must have just been letting the white paint dry as you took the photo! How could it be so clean?! Enjoyed seeing the relics and the gull walking along the rocks too with lapping waves in background.

    Your photos are always like a vacation (holiday) for me!

  31. That winch is a very valuable landmark in our family because those that have passed have had their ashes scattered at into the sea from this point since the late 80's. It's sad to see it deteriorating so much. I was last there in October 2012 and I will be back in November this year, so hopefully there is still something left of it.


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.