14 January 2012

A little bit of Q.V.B. decadence ...part one

It was another Sydney excursion day; two hours on the train each way to meet up with a friend from about age nine, ten, when we lived in the same neighbourhood.  We used to walk to school together, spend time together after school, week-ends sometimes too.  After leaving high-school we lost touch, until there had been a 50-year reunion a couple years back.  Although I'd been unable to attend, a list of email addresses of those who did, was forwarded onto me.  Was surprised, and delighted to find her name on there, and we've been able to meet up a few times since. 

The Vienna Coffee House I think on the third-level,  is where we stopped for a kick-start morning coffee (a flat-white, thanks, oh, and a blueberry-muffin).  It's back at the Q.V.B. (Queen Victoria Building), where I'd been in December, for the Christmas-Spirit fix  Some photos will be reminiscent from that earlier post, but they are different!  Hard to pass up more of the wonderful decor from inside this building.

Sharing with Weekend Reflections


  1. The chandeliers in the coffee shop add to the luxurious feel of the coffee shop! (which makes me hungry!)

  2. I don't think it's possible to enter such a coffee shop and NOT eat something. In fact, it MUST be mandatory ...

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Anonymous5:39 am

    How wonderful to reconnect with an old friend. These pictures are lovely.

  4. Looks like an amazing place with lots of great reflections!

  5. These photos are gorgeous, Carole!

  6. Suas fotografia são fantástica, impressionantemente de uma beleza grandiosa. Gostei muito de conhecer seu blog, e já estou seguindo pra voltar novamente. Convido a conhecer meu blog e seguir-me também, se gostares. Que o ano de 2012 lhe traga muito sucesso. Um abraço!


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.