23 August 2011

Embroidery days: Sewing caddy - part two

Double-click on pics if you want to see larger image....

...with willow and apple-tree.

and lupins (wish I could grow them here; it's not cold enough though).

Embroidery days: Sewing caddy

Other side coming up; next post. 

22 August 2011

Embroidery days: Sewing tote - part two

The remainder of pockets to share this post:

The last photo shown had been a portion of this gum-blossoms pocket.

Some native wattle ... and bees.

Embroidery days: Sewing tote - part one

While my poor ole' blog has been sliding into oblivion during an episode of other-things-happening, perhaps now is the perfect time to resurrect some past dabbles in stitchery.

Hopefully this little journey over the next few posts will pick me up and bring me full circle again with my creative play.

We call these black-eyed-susans here (know in the U.S. it's a rudbekia reference).

Botanical: Thunbergia alata, a fine growing vine, like this photo taken alongside a cycle-path at Budgewoi, Central Coast, N.S.W.

Part Two with remaining embroidered pockets will make for the next post to come.

08 August 2011

Jotted the recipe down while in a waiting-room browsing a magazine.  How often do we see something that mmmmm ... sounds tasty, and start rummaging around in our handbag then for paper and pen. 

Thought today I'd try it out, and while I'm typing this up am sipping on the green-tea and enjoying some of the slice.  

It started out like this ...

Fruit and Nut Slice

1 cup oats
1 cup plain flour

** 1/2 cup each of the following: **
desiccated coconut
 castor sugar
macadamia nuts. or walnuts (I used blend of pepitas, sunflower seeds, walnuts)
white chocolate bits

175 grams butter (melted), with 1/3rd cup golden syrup

Grease and line with baking paper a 19 x 30 cm lamington tray.  Press mixture into tray and bake at 200 deg. celcius for 15 - 20 mins. or until golden.

Cool in tin before slicing.