04 February 2011

Caught up with tangling - Zentangles

In a recent post I mentioned about 'doodling' and along the lines of wishing there was somewhere online a 'doodling school' where I could learn the art of. Part of the comment was a little-tongue-in-cheek because there isn't a speck of a natural drawing ability within me. Not to say I wouldn't like to try ... if there was an easy way!

Seems there is!! Without any hesitation, long-time email pal Bonnie living on the other side of the world to me, wrote and said she had all these Zentangle items just sitting waiting for someone to play with them, and they could be mine if I'd just say yes. They were packaged and on their way from the freezing U.S., to the searing east coast of Australia, in a heart-beat!

? I went looking at, and saving websites, watched u-tube demonstrations, and thought perhaps I could do this (with a lot of practice); and I started mine in a specially assigned, notebook for tangles.

When the parcel arrived a couple weeks later, this is what it contained! I am indeed the very lucky recipient from a very generous friend, (who I've never met). Stands testiment to how friendships are often established and nurtured within cyber-space.

So yes, I have continued "practicing", mostly at the very end of a day; when the computer has been turned off, and it's nearing bedtime. I will continue often till quite late, totally absorbed and penning away with a Zentangle pattern.

It does command your complete focus on every pen-stroke, and for that very reason really, it is ideal "therapy" almost, to take your mind away from the every-day, and to ....another place. It happens right there on the Zentangle tile, or in a journal or note-book; whatever you choose to Zentangle in, and I equate it pretty much to sitting with a crossword puzzle, or reading a book in your own special time.

On Enthusiastic Artist blogsite by Margaret Bremner, is a tutorial for Lilypads, the basis on the first pattern for me to share here.


  1. Lovely Carole! The whole thing looks a bit like a pond. Nice Lilypads ;-)

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  3. This looks like a fun way to doodle Carole, your sample looks great! Happy Zentangling!

  4. Bonnie Belk1:38 am

    oh Carole! You are not only a terrific artist and a spectacular writer - you are such a spirit-booster and a great friend. This tangle is just beautiful! I'm so glad you have found another way to share all your talents with us. Tangle on!

  5. I have always wanted to give this a try and I see it done by you now. You did great Carole. It's like drawing mandalas. Hope to see more zentangle art on your blog.

  6. Oh NOooooooooooo...soooooo pretty and another creation I want to give a try!!!! Really looks like great fun - but, it does look like you have to have a good bit of time...a problem for me! Think I will just watch and enjoy what you do...LOL!

  7. A fabulous tile to start with!
    I see plants and a river, viewed from the hummock where those pretty lilipads grow.
    Have fun tangling – and enjoy the calm it brings.

  8. Congratulations on your new art addiction! YAY! There are so many of us out there with the love for patterns and zen doodles. I look forward to seeing more of your work...this piece is lovely!

  9. Terrific work Carole!
    I'm like Jan and need the time and concentration to give it a go.

    Thanks for sharing and to Bonnie for passing it on :)


thanks for visiting Snap Happy Birding, and for leaving a comment; I can still see them. Now both my blogs are resting in idle mode. It was time to give other things priority, even though I miss my regular blogging and the feedback that came my way over the years. Take care.