04 September 2009

Paper Cutting: Ring of Pineapples

Ring of Pineapples, proved to be an intricate paper cutting. "Finishing off" involved a lot of extra tiny cuts to remove the weeny triangles within each pineapple.

I love the lace look and being able to replicate a crochet doiley design on paper. This pattern is one I was keen to try and it’s from a Backstreet Designs publication, titled Scherenschnitte Pineapple Doilies.

Noted: The proper pronunciation of this word is “shear’ en-schnit-tah”.


  1. absolutely beautiful

  2. Breath taking Carole. Absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Hi Carole great work I wish i could do the same

  4. Goodness, that is intricate - well done!


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